About me
I used to work in Visual arts (graphic design, video and stage design) in the first part of my professional career, today, I am moving towards practices that have profoundly benefited my body and mind. I am a certified EMTE practitioner (somatic bodywork, massage ande energetics), certified yoga teacher: Vinyasa, Nidra, Yoni Shakti, Kids yoga, YIH (Yoga in healthcare), shamanic and ecoritual practitioner. The exploration of the human soul, the unconscious and invisible worlds fascinates me and I continue to discover how everything is connected. Through yoga, rituals, meditation, energetics and massage I offer everyone the opportunity to connect with themselves, by following the subtle messages of the body.
Book a session with me, I will take you on a journey inside yourself.
My certification training:
EMTE somatic bodywork therapy with energetics and massage 1000 hours
YTT 200h Vinyasa withSarah Derasse
Yoni Shakti well woman yoga therapy 50h with Uma Dinsmore Tuli
Total Yoga Nidra 60h with Uma Dinsmore Tuli, Nirlipta Tuli andYoli Maya Yeh
Yoga in healthcare, 60 hours with Yoga in healthcare alliance
Yoga for children 50 hours withCosmic Kids,
Practitioner in ecorituals® 60h with Marianne Grasselli Meier
Others formations/interests:
Transcendental shamanism with Stella B
Facilitator of talking circles with Helene Gadoury
MBSR 8 week cycle at emergences
Karmic astrology with Lisa Mellouki